ATEEZ donated 100 million won to victims of the Itaewon accident


Group ATEEZ donated 100 million won to the Itaewon disaster.

The Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association said on the 5th that ATEEZ’s has entrusted 100 million won in donations to support the Itaewon disaster.

The agency KQ Entertainment said, “ATEEZ’s members are deeply mourning the accident. “We decided to donate in the hope that it would help the families of the victims and the injured,” he told Hope Bridge.

On the 29th of last month, ahead of Halloween, people were crushed to death in Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. 메이저사이트

As of the morning of the 4th, 156 people died and 191 people were injured. The government declared a national mourning period until midnight on the 5th

By admin

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