
20.5 points on average. Beasley goes to jail after the season.


Malik Beasley (25, 193cm), who became the Minnesota Timberwolves’ ace this season, was found guilty 먹튀사이트

The U.S. sports media ESPN said on the 10th (Korean time) that Beasley will go to jail after this season. A federal court on Tuesday found Beasley guilty of assault and sentenced him to 120 days in prison, a federal court said.

Beasley is a Minnesota starting shooting guard who marks his sixth year as a professional. He joined Minnesota last season and made his name known by scoring more than 20 points per game. Minnesota gave Beasley a four-year, $60 million long-term contract, marking the team’s future.

At the time of the contract, some pointed out that it was overpay, but it quelled the controversy with its skills. Beasley has grown to be one of the leading scorer not only in Minnesota but also in the league with an average success rate of 20.5 points and 5.2 rebounds and three-point shots this season. Basically, his shooting ability is excellent and his breakthrough using his athletic ability is also excellent.

Minnesota has been away for a long time since Carl Anthony Towns was confirmed to have Covid-19. D’Angelo Russell is not consistent with his ups and downs and his femoral head injury. Even in the chaotic atmosphere of the team, Beasley did his part with one option of offense within the team.

However, there are many problems outside the court. In September last year, he was arrested for possessing large quantities of drugs and firearms. It was also known that the police, who received the report, targeted the Beasley house in Minnesota when they arrived.

A considerable amount of marijuana and firearms were found in Beasley’s house, some of which were reported stolen.

He was indicted in October last year on charges of drug possession and violence. He also tarnished his image with bad issues, including the scandal with the ex-wife of 22-year-old Scotty Pippen.

Beasley, who has been sentenced to prison, will be able to play this season without any problems. However, as he spends a considerable amount of time in prison after the end of the season, preparations for the next season are expected to be disrupted.

By admin

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