
He looks like the main character of Kim Young University’s youth movie in Thailand


Actor Kim Young-dae’s pictorial has been released.

Kim Young-dae recently held a photo shoot for fashion magazine Marie Claire in Juahin, a famous resort in Thailand.

Kim Young-dae wore a paisley shirt and pants and completed an intense and hot pictorial with white horses against the backdrop of a blue beach. In addition, it matched denim pants with a printed T-shirt on top of a denim jacket, showing off its youthful beauty as if the main character of a youth movie had escaped the screen, and also matched pink pants with a paisley shirt to show a dandy and sexy charm.

Jang Jae-young, CEO of the painting studio, said, “I wanted to express the aspect of youth running through rising star Kim Young-dae, which is the hottest these days,” adding, “This shoot was a meaningful one to realize the endless charm of actor Kim Young-dae, the hottest next generation Hallyu star in Thailand.”

Kim Young-dae’s pictorial is available in the July issue of Marie Claire and on the Marie Claire website.

Meanwhile, Kim Young-dae chose the MBC drama “Golden Soul” as his next film after the tvN drama “Shooting Star.”

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