
Jamie, let’s take it off. It’s a shocking SNS


Singer Jamie boasted of his dizzying figure.

Jamie released two photos on his official social networking service (SNS) channel on the 24th, drawing attention with his unusual volume.

In the released photo, Jamie showed off her glamorous body in a blue bikini and posed using a bed and bathtub, drawing attention.

In particular, Jamie attracted the public’s attention with his shocking transformation by boasting a narrow waistline and a colorful tattoo, and received attention for his dark makeup and fat-free body line.

Also, Jamie said with the photo, “It’s the weather to wear a bikini. Let’s take it off, guys,” added Jeon Ji-woo, a member of the group’s card, and left a comment saying, “Honey with the cover open,” showing a strong friendship.

Jamie, who surprised everyone with his fashion ahead of the season, is actively communicating with fans through his official social networking service (SNS) channel.

Meanwhile, Jamie, who released “Pity Party” in February, will continue to communicate with the public through various contents.

By admin

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