Kim Seong-gyeol

Kim Seong-gyeol X Jeong-ga, Exclusive Contract with Supia Media…Alex Randy and the pot.

Rookie Kim Sung-gyeol and Jeong Ga-ya signed an exclusive contract with Supia Media.

Kim Seong-gyeol

An official from Supia Media said on the 19th, “Two newcomers Kim Sung-gyeol and Jeong Ga-ya, who have recently been receiving attention and love for appearing on Coupang Play reality program ‘In-house Love’, have signed an exclusive contract with Supia Media Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as Supia Media).”

Kim Seong-gyeol was chosen by MBC’s “Queen Seondeok,” “Triple” in 2009, and the drama “Yoo Byul-na” in 2020. He has shown solid acting skills that are not like rookies in ‘Chef Moon’. Kim made his official debut with the band The Nutts in 2004 and is preparing to release a new album this month. He will show another side of himself as a singer, not as an actor.

Jeong Gaya, a former member of the 92nd Miss Chunhyang Contest held last year, has been working as a cosmetics CF model such as L’Oreal and Sisley since 2016, and began her acting career in earnest by appearing in the web dramas Scenery in 2018 and Juliet in 2019.

Supia Media is a company with creative experts and is a content company that works in various fields such as new media, movies, dramas, and performances based on intellectual property rights and visual special effects technology. It has recently expanded its business through its entry into the production and management areas, and includes Hollywood actor Alex Randy.

The interest of young actors who act as actors is increasing, and the interest of fans is increasing, and these days, actors and actresses are appearing a lot in various content broadcasts. Interest in how the activities of the two actors will continue is increasing.

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