New bride

New bride, Jang Nara 6 years younger than her husband and she’s found incredible after marriage

New bride

The recent status of “new bride” Jang Na-ra (41) has been revealed.

Jang Na-ra’s brother and actress Jang Sung-won posted a picture of her on her Instagram on her Instagram on July 30.

The photo shows Jang Na-ra having a good time with Jang Sung-won’s dogs. In particular, Jang Na-ra drew attention by showing off her star-like freshness while representing the entertainment industry. He perfectly pulled off his pigtails, revealing his incredible vampire visuals in his 40s.

Jang Sung-won expresses his younger brother Jang Na-ra as “that human,” giving him a glimpse of “real brother and sister” and drawing laughter. He said, “The angels who went to play in the water with Kkung and that man… Walnut, Maru, and Gaeul said they all had fun #Gaecance #Daily #Playing in the water #Cute Puppy” left a message.

Meanwhile, Jang Na-ra married a film director six years younger than her on June 26

By admin

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