Van Dyke

Van Dyke caught the ball again. Fans are excited about the rehabilitation video.

Van Dyke

Liverpool defender Virgil van Dyke, who left due to a knee cruciate ligament injury, released a video of his training resumption, raising fans’ expectations to the fullest 파워볼사이트

Van Dyke released a video of his rehabilitation training on his Instagram account on the 21st (local time).

In the video, Van Dyke appears to be concentrating on recovery training centered on the knee, which is the injured part. Above all, he revealed his training with the ball again, hinting that his return was as close as possible.

The UK’s Sky Sports shared the video through its official SNS account, saying, “Ban Dyke caught the ball again on his foot.” Fans also expressed their expectations in playful expressions such as “Ban Dyke was alive!” “The world’s best defender is coming back,” and “I thought he was dead.”

Van Dyke, who joined Liverpool in January 2018, is a key player who led the club’s heyday. Liverpool, which stabilized its defense after Van Dyke joined, won the UEFA Champions League (2018-2019 season) and the English Premier League (2019-2020 season) for the first time in 30 years.

Van Dyke was seriously injured in a front cross ligament rupture when he was tackled by opposing goalkeeper Jordan Pickford during a Premier League game against Everton in October. Van Dyke, who immediately took the operating table, has been working on his recovery ever since. He is expected to return early next year.

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