
Over menstruation, hypermenstruation, prolonged menstruation.


The menstrual period of women in childbearing period shall be within three to five days, and two to seven days shall be considered normal.

A period that lasts longer than eight days is called hypermenstruation, and a large amount of menstruation is called hypermenstruation. It must be tested because it has uterine disease or appears to be abnormal in hormone secretion. A lot of menstrual blood causes a shortage of blood in the body. Headaches, digestive disorders, and cold hands and feet can also be accompanied. If severe, it can collapse due to shock, so do not leave the bleeding unattended due to menstruation.

The endometrium secretes an ingredient that prevents blood from hardening. If you have too much menstruation, you can’t afford it. Eventually, menstrual blood hardens and becomes a blood clot. If bleeding is severe, hemoglobin levels in the blood may decrease, which may be accompanied by anemia. I need to replenish iron 광주호스트바

If the hormone balance secreted from the hypothalamus is broken due to irregular living, stress, and excessive diet, hypermenstruation and hypermenstruation appear. It can also be caused by ovulation-free periods or intrauterine diseases (such as uterine myoma, adenomyopathy, endometriosis, etc.).

In particular, if menstrual pain occurs in women in their late 30s or the amount of menstruation has increased than before, one can suspect an intrauterine disease. If you have pelvic pressure, back pain, frequent urinary tract, or pain in sexual intercourse, the possibility of that increases. If you have a long period of menstruation, visit the gynecologist immediately for treatment.

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